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From: JLF26 -(JLF26) TO: ALL
Date Posted: 201999-4-12 1:43:00
for those who know.
in the diagnostics menu.
no.#3 modem test
when i select this option i receive this message:
status:error.modem test stopped
what does this mean ?
i ran another phone cable straight from another phone jack
and received the same message.
my ipg updated a couple nights earlier.not sure about last night.
is there anyway to know the date the ipg updated last ?
thanks for help.


From: Mark -(4DTV) TO: JLF26
Date Posted: 201999-4-12 11:47:00
The modem test will always fail because it simply dials 1234567890, which is an invalid number. It is intended to be connected to a test set at the factory when performing this test.