: # use perl -*- mode: perl; -*- ### # This program was written by and is copyright Alec Muffett 1991, # 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996, and is provided as part of the # Crack v5.0 Password Cracking package. # # The copyright holder disclaims all responsibility or liability with # respect to its usage or its effect upon hardware or computer # systems, and maintains copyright as set out in the "LICENCE" # document which accompanies distributions of Crack v5.0 and upwards. ### eval 'exec perl -Ss $0 "$@"' if $runnning_under_some_shell; $b64blksz = 54; sub b64encode { $i = shift; $o = ""; @bytes = unpack("C*", $i); while (($a, $b, $c) = splice(@bytes, 0, 3)) { $val = ($a << 16) | ($b << 8) | $c; $w = ($val & 077000000) >> 18; $x = ($val & 0770000) >> 12; $y = ($val & 07700) >> 6; $z = ($val & 077); $o .= pack("C*", $w, $x, (defined($b) ? $y : 64), (defined($c) ? $z : 64)); } $o =~ tr!\000-\100!A-Za-z0-9+/=!; $o; } while (read(STDIN, $buffer, $b64blksz)) { print &b64encode($buffer), "\n"; } exit 0;