IPTState Bugs KNOWN BUGS None* * There are no known bugs in the iptstate code. However, there IS a small bug somewhere in ncurses. See http://www.phildev.net/iptstate/memleak.html for details. This won't effect most users much, but you want to be weary of leaving iptstate running on very busy firewalls for very long periods of time (a day or more). This bug has been reported to ncurses, see above URL. ABOUT BUGS If you find a bug in IPTState you should notify ME! You can contact me at phil@ipom.com. Sending a bug to your distro or some public forum is not going to let me know. I can't fix things I don't know about. So please email ME. ABOUT MY RESPONSE If your bug is serious - i.e. compilation errors, a major a functionality is broken, or a security problem I'll usually give you pretty immediate attention. If it's a very minor bug, or a feature request, I will acknowledge your email, but I may not fix/implement it immediately. ABOUT PATCHES I do accept patches - I just don't usually use them. So you ask, 'so why should I write one?' Patches are great because they often give me the core of the answer right away. However, I'm particularly anal about my code and so I like everything to be in my style, and since iptstate is small enough for me to do things by hand, I do. I've only received a handful of patches, most fixes come in the form of "change this in this way," and as such I've never applied an external patch. I've used a few as reference though. Feel free to submit a bug report with or without a patch if you want. PATCHES SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY EXPLINATIONS AND/OR BUG REPORTS! Let me know what you were trying to fix/add and how you did it. This will save me a lot of time, and I'll like you more. ABOUT BUG REPORTS If you send me a bug report you MUST do the following: - Include "IPTSTATE" in the subject - Include your iptstate version - Include your distribution and distro version - Include your kernel version - Include your gcc version - Include your make version - Include your glibc version - Include your ncurses version - Include any relevant output and/or errors Bug reports should be sent to *ME*. I cannot fix your bugs if you don't tell *ME* about them. That's right, send your bug reports to *ME*. Thanks! Phil Dibowitz phil@ipom.com