-- -- This creates the database for the stock example -- $PostgreSQL: pgjdbc/example/corba/stock.sql,v 1.2 2003/11/29 22:41:21 pgsql Exp $ -- drop table stock; create table stock ( id int4, avail int4, ordered int4, valid bool, description text ); create index stock_id on stock(id); copy stock from stdin; 1 19 0 t Dell Latitude XPi P133 Laptop 2 3 2 t Iomega Zip Plus drive 3 2 0 f Iomega Ext/Par drive 4 0 4 t Iomega Ext USB drive 5 200 0 t Blank Unbranded CDR media 6 20 30 t Iomega Zip media 100Mb \. grant all on stock to public; grant all on stock_id to public;