# # This is the example of per user capability file, each user can has his own # settings by creating config file with filename the same as his userid. # # Any option set in this file will overide the same one in openwebmail.conf. # Please refer to openwebmail.conf.help for detailed description of each option # #domainnames server1.domain1.com, server2.domain2.com logfile /var/log/openwebmail.log global_addressbook %ow_etcdir%/address.book global_filterbook %ow_etcdir%/filter.book global_calendarbook %ow_etcdir%/calendar.book error_with_debuginfo no allowed_serverdomain all allowed_clientdomain all allowed_clientip all allowed_receiverdomain all case_insensitive_login no stay_ssl_afterlogin yes enable_changepwd yes enable_strictpwd yes passwd_minlen 6 session_multilogin yes session_checkcookie yes session_checksameip no auto_createrc no domainnames_override no symboliclink_mbox yes enable_about yes about_info_software yes about_info_scriptfilename no about_info_protocol yes about_info_server yes about_info_client yes xmailer_has_version yes xoriginatingip_has_userid yes enable_preference yes enable_loadfrombook yes enable_editfrombook yes frombook_for_realname_only no enable_autoreply yes enable_setforward yes enable_strictforward no enable_stationery yes enable_userfilter yes enable_smartfilter yes smartfilter_bypass_goodmessage yes enable_webmail yes enable_calendar yes enable_webdisk yes enable_sshterm yes enable_pop3 yes disallowed_pop3servers your_server, your_server.domain delpop3mail_by_default yes delpop3mail_hidden no loginerrordelay 10 fetchpop3interval 15 calendar_email_notifyinterval 120 enable_strictfoldername no foldername_maxlen 32 maxbooksize 32 attlimit 50000 webdisk_rootpath / webdisk_readonly no webdisk_uploadlimit 50000 webdisk_lsmailfolder yes webdisk_lshidden yes webdisk_lsunixspec yes webdisk_lssymlink yes webdisk_allow_symlinkcreate yes webdisk_allow_symlinkout yes webdisk_allow_thumbnail yes spool_limit 0 quota_limit 0 quota_threshold 75 delmail_ifquotahit no delfile_ifquotahit no forced_moveoldmsgfrominbox no min_refreshinterval 3 %name% version %version%   %help_text%?