PGP/MIME First, if your recipient doesn't support PGP/MIME, don't use it, or they'll have problems viewing it (Mutt, Eudora, Outlook, and Pine support it to various extents enough to view it. xmail, Netscape, and Pegasus, on the other hand DON'T support it.) Pine doesn't support managing attachments, therefore YOU CANNOT SEND PGP/MIME. You can view a PGP/MIME message this way: If there is an attachment called Application/OCTET-STREAM, select it first. Otherwise, select the Application/PGP-Signed or Application/PGP-Encrypted first. Then, select View, Free Output, and type pgp4pine -d -f MAKE SURE YOU PRESSED THE KEY FOR FREE OUTPUT!!! You will now be able to view it in less/more/your prefs pager. (See pgp4pinerc for the external_pager option in your rc file.)