
(PHP 5)

mysqli_connect_error -- Returns a string description of the last connect error


string mysqli_connect_error ( void )

The mysqli_connect_error() function is identical to the corresponding mysqli_connect_errno() function in every way, except instead of returning an integer error code the mysqli_connect_error() function will return a string representation of the last error to occur for the last mysqli_connect() call. If no error has occured, this function will return an empty string.

Return Values

A string that describes the error. An empty string if no error occurred.

See Also

mysqli_connect(), mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_errno(), mysqli_error() and mysqli_sqlstate().


Example 1. mysqli_connect_error sample


= @mysqli_connect("localhost""nonexisting_user""");

if (!
$link) {
printf("Can't connect to localhost. Error: %s\n"mysqli_connect_error());