
(PHP 5)

oci_commit -- Commits outstanding statements


bool oci_commit ( resource connection )

oci_commit() commits all outstanding statements for the active transaction on the Oracle connection connection.

Example 1. oci_commit() example

// Login to Oracle server
$conn oci_connect('scott''tiger');
// Parse SQL
$stmt oci_parse($conn"
                              INSERT INTO 
                                         employees (name, surname) 
                                         ('Maxim', 'Maletsky')

/* Execute statement
       OCI_DEFAULT tells oci_execute() 
       not to commit statement immediately */

    Parsing and executing other statements here ...
    // Commit transaction
$committed oci_commit($conn);

// Test whether commit was successful. If error occurred, return error message
if (!$committed) {
$error oci_error($conn);
'Commit failed. Oracle reports: ' $error['message'];


Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

Note: Transactions are automatically rolled back when you close the connection, or when the script ends, whichever is soonest. You need to explicitly call oci_commit() to commit the transaction, or oci_rollback() to abort it.

Note: In PHP versions before 5.0.0 you must use ocicommit() instead. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_commit() for downwards compatability. This, however, is deprecated and not recommended.

See also oci_rollback() and oci_execute().