
(no version information, might be only in CVS)

Rar::extract -- Extract entry from the archive


bool Rar::extract ( string dir [, string filepath] )

Rar::extract() extracts entry's data to the dir. It will create new file in the specified dir with the name identical to the entry's name. If parameter filepath is specified instead dir, Rar::extract() will extract entry's data to the specified file.

Example 1. Rar::extract() example


rar_open('example.rar') or die("Failed to open Rar archive");

$entry rar_entry_get($rar_file'Dir/file.txt') or die("Failed to find such entry");

$entry->extract('/dir/to'); // create /dir/to/Dir/file.txt
$entry->extract(false'/dir/to/new_name.txt'); // create /dir/to/new_name.txt


Example 2. How to extract all files in archive:


/* example by Erik Jenssen aka erix */

$filename "foobar.rar";
$filepath "/home/foo/bar/";

$rar_file rar_open($filepath.$filename);
$list rar_list($rar_file);
$list as $file) {
$entry rar_entry_get($rar_file$file);
$entry->extract("."); // extract to the current dir


Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.