#################################3 This program is pre-alpha, you can try if you like. But i warn you :) jpkh jpkh@vip.fi -- Looks like I'm taking care of this thing now. tweaker tweaker@users.sourceforge.net ## Updates 21/06/2001 ######################## Looks like now i maintain it r0kawa sameon@time.net.my The userpage has fully change to template base ------------------------------------------------------- TODO: - Admin can delete the message that not required - Changing the admin to fully template base OLD TODO: - admin pages - permissions for forum admins - selection for how many messages are shown in one page - make uncategorized forums show up in the forum list - email notification on replyed posting - number of new messages from "last login" Done: r0kawa - User page has fully change to the template base OLD DONE: - admin can delete forums and categories - create ability to create forums without categories - lang section