Filemanager group file sharing
These instructions will show you how to setup a shared group area in Filemanager for a new group called "files".
- In administration click "user groups". Then click Add.
- For the group name enter "files". In the list box, hold the CTRL key and select all the users that will be allowed to share files in this group.
- Check the box for Filemanager and click Submit chnages. This will transparently grant access to the Filemanager application to the selected users if they don't already have it.
- You should be back at the groups lists now, click Edit for the files group.
- In the ACL (Access Control List) column, click the little box for Filemanager to pop up a new window to set the permissions.
- Setting permissions is very flexible, you can even have non-members of a group have varied levels of access to a group. We simply want all users in the files group to have full access. Check all 4 boxes in the "files" row. The "Private" column is not needed here because group based filemanagers don't have an awareness of "private" records.
- Save and then close the new window.
- Save any changes to the group.
- Go to the Filemanager application.
- To the far left of the current folder name (the one in red at the top) there is a folder icon with an up arrow on it. Click this to go up one level to see the groups and users (user sharing is not yet implemented) folders that you have access to. When you go here any group folders you have access to that have not been created yet will be automaticaly created.
- You can now go into the group folder and share files.
- Also, after the group folder has been create by the first user to look for it, all users in the group will be able to see that folder in the drown down list in the "Go to: Copy to: Move to:" row from any of their folders.