phpGW logo Installation & Security HOWTO

What does this HOWTO cover?

In this HOWTO we will go through a typical base installation and configuration of a phpGroupWare. Some applications will require some extra configuration or install step, we will only cover the extra steps needed for FileManager. We will not cover standard setup of the prerequisites or any configuration other than SQL auth/user data store. We will also not cover the use of the applications, this is an Install and Configure HOWTO only. We will also initially concentrate on Linux, Apache, and MySql as that is what I use. Other details will be added later as contributed. I will be doing this HOWTO install on a default Mandrake Linux 9.0 installation with Apache 1.3.26, PHP 4.2.3, MySql 3.23.52, and UWash IMAP-2001a all running on the same server. I will also be using the lettered modes for file permissions instead of octets. All recent chmod versions support this. I will also be installing phpgw as a regular user for security reasons that will be discussed in section 3.