Pre setup Tasks
There are a few thing you must do before phpgroupware's setup system can be run. For the time being it is recommended that php's register_globals be Off. Most applications have been ported to not require register_globals = On but there are a few which may not run properly. You can change this in your php.ini file. If an application behaves oddly try changing it to register_globals = On.
Create a database and a user with full access to this new database. You may use your favorite GUI to do this, I prefer Webmin, or use the mysql command line tool. You do not need to root run this, but you will need to use a mysql user with full access to the "mysql" database, the mysql root user has this by default. The command to create a database called "phpgroupware" and user "phpgw" with password "my-db-passwd" is:
$ mysqladmin -u root -p create phpgroupware (enter root's password when prompted) $ mysql -u root -p mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgw@localhost identified by "my-db-passwd"; mysql> exit;
for postgresql you use:
$ /usr/bin/createdb phpgroupware $ /usr/bin/createuser phpgroupware --pwprompt $ psql -U phpgroupware phpgroupware phpgroupware=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE phpgroupware TO PUBLIC;
if the psql line doesn't work, you're not connecting to the db. You need to read the postgresql site and look into pg_hdba.conf and pg_ident.conf settings .. it's been a while since I did it (if you find out what to do, post the settings to the mailing list so we can add them here for future users)
Next, you need to prepare setup to create the "" file where the database connectivity and other core configuration data will be stored. Go to http://www.your_server.whatever/phpgroupware/setup and you should see a web form to fill in a bunch of settings including the above db user and password. To save the settings, you have 2 options, all will assume you're still in the phpgroupware directory from doing the cvs update, the security issues of each will be addressed in section 3:
- Least secure but easiest: Make your phpgroupware directory world writable $chmod a+w ../phpgroupware
- Most secure but slightly error prone: Use the "view" or "download" option in header manager and upload or copy/paste the result to your server. If you choose this method take care there is no white space (spaces, tabs, blank lines) at all before the first "<?php" and that your editor doesn't wrap any lines for you where it shouldn't have. You may then make the world writable, which is better than #1 but still has risks.
Whichever you choose, I recommend not leaving this world writable, and only making it writable when you actually need to change some configuration, which is very rare once you have a working system.
If you plan on using the phpwebhosting filemanager or any application that makes use of the vfs home/group directories (sorry, I don't have a list of other apps that do) you will need to prepare the "files" directory. By default, the files directory is in the phpgroupware root, but this would allow smart users to upload/create a php file and execute whatever they want, including reading your header config and then the database! Luckily, the default is also to disallow the ability to upload files in the first place since the files directory is not writable by the anonymous web user. We will be moving the files dir outside of the web root for securities sake. Since I'm installing under my home directory I've made ~/phpgwadmin/ and I'm going to put it there and make it and all its contents world writable. You can put it wherever you want so long as every directory up to it is world readable:
$ mv files ~/phpgwadmin/ $ chmod -R a+w ~/phpgwadmin/files
NOTE: I am told the FreeBSD port doens't include the files directory, you can create the following tree in ~/phpgwadmin/ and then chmod.
NOTE: As of the files directory MUST be outside the web root.
files/ |-- home/ | |-- groups/ | |-- users/ | |-- home/
Now as along as the prereqs are up and running we are ready to configure!