phpGW logo Installation & Security HOWTO

World writable files and keeping your configuration safe

Obviously having files that any user on your system, including the anonymous "nobody" user that apache runs under, can write to is a security risk. First we'll talk about what files phpGroupWare wants to be world writable and why, then we'll talk about how to manage the risks this imposes. Last we'll discuss some myths and other concerns. Some other phpgw applications might introduce other files and risks, hopefully what we talk about here will give you enough knowledge to recognize them and reduce any vulnerabilities.

As discussed earlier, having a world writable file in you web root is a rather serious security risk, especially if that file will accept raw user data. It becomes trivial for someone to add php code or any type of script or cgi code your server supports and execute it on your system. Risk is reduced slightly because it would be executed as the "anonymous" nobody user that apache runs under but still would allow access to your and thus your database, as well as access to /etc/* where all sorts of fun and dangerous information could be abused. So in phpgw the only files required to be writable at all are under the files directory, and that's only if your planning on using the Filemanager or apps that use the VFS. Hopefully we've removed this risk by moving the files dir outside of the web root so that cannot be accessed directly and thus not executed. As for the, it never really needs to be world writable, but it can be convenient to make it so when you have to change something in the header manager. After making the changes the files should have the world write permissions removed. It does need to be world readable but the risk is reduced since the file is php and if accessed directly will be parsed on the server and send nothing to the client at all.

Myths and Truths

"the phpgroupware directory needs to be mode 777" Ack! no! this makes your whole tree world writable! all it takes is one malicious user to upload a file that edits the login files to record all logins and passwords for later abuse and your done for, start working on that resume.

"the phpgroupware directory needs to be owned by the same user apache runs under" Very false! this is in essence the same thing as mode 777!

"have the tree owned by apache's user and mode 700 is safer" well, not exactly. Having the owned by apache's user and mode 400 is about as safe as you can get since then other system users can't read your config, but now root need to maintain this file, which is just not ideal.

"having php pipe certain files like Excel and Word files causes problems, direct access is needed" At one time, yes, but that should all be fixed. You know the risks now so that's your call if you want to grant direct access..

Why install as a starndard user?

On my servers I maintain the main websites as regular users, including file ownership. This is more secure because even if the site is somehow comprimised, only a user account is affected. Now, if the site is maintained as root, well, I don't even wanna think about that. Also, using vhosts, this allows me to make users for each web site and let other people maintain the site without ever having to worry about root access. "root" priveledges are very rarely needed to install any web based application that runs on apache, why take the risk doing it anyway when it's not any harder to install as a user. For this HOWTO I used a regular user account's web space, but I could have just as easily put phpgroupware into it's own directory under that user account and made an apache alias or a simple softlink (ln -s) to have the site show up as http://server/phpgroupware/. This would even allow me to assign a user to maintain just the phpgw install and nothing else on the server if I so wanted.

Virtual Hosts on Apache

For information about running phpGroupWare in a virtual host, please refer to doc/phpgw-apache.conf. This document all includes some apache security options when running phpGroupWare.