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Debian-specific information about TeX packages
Chapter 3 - Usage hints, Debian-specific adaptations

3.1 Note on dvips

Per default, dvips is in secure mode and won't execute shell commands in \special commands, like backticks in \DeclareGraphicsRule, etc. To enable this, change z1 to z0 in /etc/texmf/dvips/config.ps (second entry) (for teTeX) and in /etc/texmf/texlive/dvips/config.ps (for TeX Live).

3.2 Note on dvipdfm

In Debian teTeX packages, dvipdfm uses the settings in /etc/papersize to determine the default papersize. This only takes effect if the paper geometry is not set explicitly in the (La)TeX source, e.g. using the packages geometry or hyperref.

The Debian TeX Live packages currently do not evaluate the settings of /etc/papersize, please set the paper geometry explicitly in the (La)TeX source, e.g. using the packages geometry or hyperref.

3.3 “TeX capacity exceeded” and similar errors

In most cases, this error is the symptom of a syntax error in the document—TeX is getting into an infinite loop, and after some time all its internal registers have been used. Sometimes, however, a large document that loads a package that uses a lot of TeX's registers leads to that error, or to a similar error message. The package documentation, the Google archive, or TeX-related mailing-lists or newsgroups will be helpful to find out which parameter needs to be changed in /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf (or rather in /etc/texmf/texmf.d/95NonPath.cnf, (see texmf.cnf and update-texmf, Section 2.4.1)).

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Debian-specific information about TeX packages

generated from $Id: TeX-on-Debian.sgml 2004 2006-12-06 20:42:11Z frn $

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